Long Absence, Growing in Wisdom
Hello Everyone :
It has been a long time since I have written for my blog and I am going to fill you in on my summer,fall and early winter. Then after today I will start my blog postings on at least a bi-weekly schedule.
Growing in Wisdom: An overview so far.
I started a course called Growing In Wisdom : Seeking Deeper Generativity in early September but before that I spent much of the summer reading the books for the first part of the course .
The description of the program is concise and includes this sentence, which l love;
“This is two years of learning and exploring for those seeking spirituality for their wisdom years”.
An ecumenically-based program for those 60+ who are seeking to explore and deepen their own spirituality as they age. “Growing in Wisdom: Seeking Deeper Generativity” is a two-year program – primarily offered online using Zoom – beginning in September 2021. Co-sponsored by several Canadian Retreat Centres, this program is offered in four intensives. (A note about how intense the intensives are will be a bit later in my personal description). We started off the year with a week long intensive.
More meetings, both phone calls and Zoom.
Elder Circles:
After the intensive was over our small Elder Circle began to meet monthly to explore and share our own learning. We have a leader from Winnipeg and the rest of us are from, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Wisconsin. The wisdom, knowledge and character in our Zoom meetings sort of blows my mind. Each one of my colleaques could be the leader of our group and each person would bring depth, wisdom and kindness into the room. Needless to say after our meetings I immerse myself in the power of the words of my new contemporaries.
We have met once since our week long intensive. We started off with a grounding silence then a meditative reflection and a check in. I could not believe how quickly our two hours together flew by. The Elder Circle that I am in includes people from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Wisconsin. The breadth of both wisdom and knowledge in these elders is humbling. We are being taught to listen—- to really listen with our whole be-ing than our responsive selves. The group is respectful of each person’s understanding and experiences.
New Friendship:
I also meet weekly or thereabouts sometimes more, sometimes a bit less, with a new friend from Saskatoon to further discuss our understanding of what we are experiencing both through reading and through the course itself. We process together. My friend is a different Elder Circle than I am and even though her understanding and wold view is different than mine her expeiriences are deepen her world view of aging and spirituality.
Spritual Direction
I meet with a spiritual director for further guidance. Individual spiritual direction is a requirement for the program. I was a bit anxious about both finding a spiritual director and what to do with her once I found a suitable person. Apparently it is process that takes time and the program guide asks us to spend 30-40 hours a month focused on our own spiritual growth through such activities as silent meditation, centering prayer, reading and reflection.
The Intensive
To call it intense was putting it mildly! I went to bed each evening exhausted, fulfilled, eternally grateful and happy. My brain, my heart and my soul were challenged each day. We ended the week by forming ‘Elder Circles’, which is a smaller group of between 6-8 people led by a leader who has taken the Forest Dwellers Program. I think that I lucked out and got a leader and peers who are challenging, knowledgeable in different areas of wisdom. We have another intensive in February and this time I will know to not show up to Zoom meetings with rollers in my hair, yes I did that once, but only for a few seconds so I was hoping no one noticed. Of course someone did. I will also make meals in advance and take a few more exercise breaks during the day.
The Book Club and the Reading:
Once a month we can choose to be part of the Book Club to discuss the books assigned for the course. (Of course I had to say yes to that).
The assigned reading is amazing and makes me want to know more. I am realizing how sadly lacking my understanding of both aging and spirituality are. I am processing a lot and because I can’t see really well, which make reading a lot harder, I am listening to some of the books using audio books which is great.
I highly recommend the following books
Grace in Aging by Kathleen Dowling Singh (not for the faint of heart or people who do not want to admit the reality of aging and subsequent dying)
The Holy Longing by Ron Roheiser ( I don’t know why but I read this book as if it was up to me to either agree or disagree with Fr, Rohieser’s theology and his conclusions. I often found myself talking out loud to the book)
Currently I am reading a book called The Force of Character: and the Lasting Life. by James Hillman (who I knew nothing about)…Holy camolie it is challenging and exilerating.
I have no conclusions. Our Elder Circle meets monthly and I can see the group becoming stronger, contemplative, respectful, accepting and in awe of each other as our understanding of contemplative listening becomes richer. I am fine with watching and waiting as each person grows in wisdom over the next year and a half together. Never more than today do I realize how inadequate my ability with language and words are, when I have something important to write.
Thank you for reading.
Growing in Wisdom has a link that I have included: