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Partnership Program

The Partnership Program is an outreach program associated with the Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan . The coordinator for the program in Saskatoon is my friend Curtis Harman. Curtis brings together people who live with a mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression, with family members , and mental health professionals. A group of 3 people go out to schools, workplaces and community gatherings to talk about mental illness from their perspective. Its an important program.

I am proud to say that I was a presenter from the mental health professional perspective for several years. Its all volunteer and one of the best programs out there . The group has prepared a video on the program with speakers, I just watched it and frankly it was a great way to spend 55 minutes of my Sunday. I normally don’t post my blog on Sunday but if you have time over the next few days to watch this video please do. If you would like to know more about the Program call the Schizophrenia Society at 1-877-584-2620.

Saskatoon Partnership Program # is: 306-374-3220

Curtis Harman: Curtis@schizophrenia.sk.ca

Schizophrenia Society of Saskatchewan:
