What Clients Teach Me

the blog

Change and Growth Deborah Bryson Change and Growth Deborah Bryson


This blog posting is dedicated to a client who stuck with me as her counsellor even though at that time I had no idea what a panic attack looked or felt like.  I did not get it until one day she had a panic attack in my office.  That was one of my most humbling experiences as a counsellor.   I knew then that I needed to learn more, respect more and honour the clients who stuck with me as a counsellor even though I knew only the tiniest bit of what they were experiencing.  This client also taught me that she was not overreacting and that my job was to both  believe her and believe in her

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I Have Been Thinking

I Have Been Thinking

I have been thinking about who we are as individuals and how the collective of individuals make up our communities, societies and our humanity. How do we know that our life has meaning and value. What is the purpose of living? Is it our job as citizens to follow the rules of the society in which we live?

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