What Clients Teach Me

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Covid, Anxiety and Flattening The Curve
you Deborah Bryson you Deborah Bryson

Covid, Anxiety and Flattening The Curve

How to live in a space of disruption. Anxiety is a normal reaction to uncertainty. The Corona Virus and the COVID-19 illness make for a very uncertain future. We are all worrying about their own health and the health of their loved ones. Y

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How to Stop Wishing and Hoping
you Deborah Bryson you Deborah Bryson

How to Stop Wishing and Hoping

There is an old song called ‘Wishin and Hopin’ by Dusty Springfield and a much newer song by Drake called God’s Plan. Both songs talk about wishing that life could be slightly different than it is. That led me to think about acceptance of what is rather than what life owes us.

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Micro-Habits = Emotional Growth and Behaviour Change
you Deborah Bryson you Deborah Bryson

Micro-Habits = Emotional Growth and Behaviour Change

My work with clients is about emotional growth and behaviour change. Just lately I have been thinking about how we achieve progress towards humanity and wisdom. How do you make change when every single thing feels overwhelming? That feeling of being overwhelmed by depression, anxiety or fear is often what brings people in to see me.

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If You Are Thinking About Suicide
you, your community, your relationships Deborah Bryson you, your community, your relationships Deborah Bryson

If You Are Thinking About Suicide

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, you need to know that you’re not alone. By some estimates, as many as one in six people will become seriously suicidal at some point in their lives. Feeling suicidal is not a character defect, and it doesn’t mean that you are crazy, or weak, or flawed. It only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now.

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Trauma and The New You After Trauma
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Trauma and The New You After Trauma

Trauma is everywhere. When we become aware to what trauma is, we begin to realize that what may be traumatic for one of us may not be traumatic for another. We also begin to realize that trauma in one way or another is a common occurrence.

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Change = Growth
you Deborah Bryson you Deborah Bryson

Change = Growth

Frequently in the first session with a new client I ask what is it that brought them to make the call now. Often there will have been one incident in the person’s life that helps them to decide that now is the time for change.

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you, your relationships Deborah Bryson you, your relationships Deborah Bryson


Tonight I found out that someone has some private financial information about my family. I am not happy about this and am embarrassed that this person knows about our money. It is not terrible or shameful news, but it is about money.

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I Have Been Thinking

I Have Been Thinking

I have been thinking about who we are as individuals and how the collective of individuals make up our communities, societies and our humanity. How do we know that our life has meaning and value. What is the purpose of living? Is it our job as citizens to follow the rules of the society in which we live?

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